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freedmind1030 May 2, 2004 05:59 PM

Evo Magazines
What magazine out there (out there meaning I could buy it off the shelf at like books and co. or somethin) would be best for Evo information? If not evo information, then just general information on other cars that are involved in sreet racing and such. Thanks :)

Serge03 May 2, 2004 06:01 PM

the newest SCC (sport compact car) has a shootout
Modified Car mag has a project Evo where they throw stuff on it every month

I am sure there are more, but that is your local Borders/Barnes & Noble

WINSTON May 2, 2004 06:03 PM

The newest SCC (Sport Compact Car) issue has a EVO super test...from a stock RS to a 450 plus hp EVO (several cars in the test) good read.


EvoRider36 May 2, 2004 07:24 PM

Barnes and Noble sells a couple of UK magazines titled "Japanese Performance" and "Banzai". They arnt evo specific magz, but often feature at least one full blown evo feature car and once in a while even two or 3. They also print lots of other cool articles and car features, sti's, skylines, and supras often frequent thier pages as well. A bit on the expensive side, but thier photos are top notch, and the articles are pretty long.

typer77 May 5, 2004 10:11 AM

They had evo specific magazines in Japan and I was selling a few of them before.. Although they were all in Japanese, but very picture intensive.... try to get some from there if you have a source.

SterlingEvo May 5, 2004 10:25 AM

Borders also has tons. I have virtually every magazine the Evo VIII has been in (that I've seen). The best are SCC's "Evo Orgy" issue, R&T's first test of Evo, R&T's Evo vs. STi (this article is contained in their year end "comparison" issue. Import Tuner is among the many who has a Project Evo, which they've done some good stuff to. If you go to a Tower Records that carries magazines, they usually have tons of foreign magazines with cool stuff about UK and JDM models...

WFO May 5, 2004 10:27 AM

This is a pretty cool book, lot's of history on the EvO, and some great pictures of all the EVO models.....well worth the price :thumbup:

WFO May 5, 2004 10:28 AM

sorry, forgot to include the link

eclipsegs2k1 May 5, 2004 11:07 AM

turbo magazine has a new issue out that features an Evo, but they also have a project Evo that they install HKS Hypermax II's, bushings, wheels and tires, brakes, and a few other things I think... anyways, it's a good article plus all the ones mentioned by the other guys are also the best in my opinion.

ZENTRAEDIevo May 5, 2004 02:02 PM

go out and buy DSport Magazine -> We have our own project EVO with lots of product testing on the car. We are also the most technical magazine in the industry with the right information and knowledge. If you want to learn more about high performance and also the EVO you should go pick up our magazine. Ask all the major manufactures that are performance oriented. They all read our magazine for the articles and the information we provide.

Dsport April 04 - issue 16 -> Cover Car = TODA 2.3L stoked EVO8 and DSport Project EVO (testing on HKS racing suction intake, HKS Exhaust, HKS EVC5, and HKS FCON V PRO)


you can find our magazine at: Ralph's, VONS, Albertsons, Barnes & Nobles, B. Dalton, Books-a-million, 7-11, etc....

if you cant find them please go to our website and you can subscribe!

SterlingEvo May 5, 2004 02:06 PM

Also, Best Motoring has some great DVDs. They have a newer one called "The Evo Strikes Back" which has some great Evo v. STi stuff around Tsukuba track in Japan. You can usually find these at newer Best Buys.

lewisorchhorn May 5, 2004 07:48 PM

Hyper rev (Japanese).

RSXster May 5, 2004 08:52 PM

Speed...Road & Tracks sport enthusiast mag
Boost...Car & Drivers import tuner mag

SCC, Super Street, Import Tuner, etc. oh and my favorite magazine, CAR, its british, soo nice, huge full color illustrations, great right ups.

bchai May 5, 2004 08:56 PM

is anyone here know when will be the MR arrive US?? and will it come with AYC and ACD??

RSXster May 5, 2004 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by bchai
is anyone here know when will be the MR arrive US?? and will it come with AYC and ACD??

OFFTOPIC...refer to the MR Section at the top of the general boards

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