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Krisko Mar 20, 2012 08:14 PM

The Krisko Korner
Okay, let's start with an introduction and the reason of this thread. First off, I am starting this thread because the Pointless thread was on topic for the most part, but then we'd start talking about EVO related things which I don't really see as something being pointless. Sure it's not technically "off topic" per say, but it no longer has the thrive or hilarious drive that it use to.

Also, I feel that although we all share one common thing (Driving an AWD Turbocharged Lancer of some sort or use to), most people would like to get things out there about themselves that they just never do when we are in person. Again, it's not a requirement. However, think about those times you went to meets and the only thing you talked about was how awesome your new rotors were when eventually you would have loved to talk about something cool that happened at work or a hobby of yours that you felt someone else would have loved chime in on too because it's a similar interest. Therefore, I am creating the Krisko's Korner chat thread.

Here, the rules are simple (ofcourse as long as it's within EvoM's rules), post things that have happened you found interesting during your day and your opinions about it, things that happened around the world or in your own life. Also, post something beneficial to all our lives in your line of work or from your hobbies and interests NOT CAR RELATED, Bambi told me so many things involving insurance that I would have never known in a million life times. Do NOT post links about a car part or something AMS just did on their Alpha package. I will mainly host lots of things the best I can due to my current job to get this started. Biggest rule, for possible legal reasons, don't list full names, ID numbers or anything of the sort that would hurt you or your business you own or work for. I will post things since my job involves lots of things going on through the united states so if you wish to chime in or have an opinion about it, please do post. I know you all know what an EVO/RA is and how to drive one, but is that all you know? Keep in mind, this thread is also to teach you things if you have questions about particular things, although we are all car enthusiasts, why not be a family of some sort too? Also, this thread will give us ALOT more to talk about in person other than a new car part you got last week and how its working out for you. I hate that dead silence we get at car meets because we ran out of stuff to talk about cars. DONT POST ANYTHING YOU FEEL OTHERS WILL BE UNCONFORMABLE WITH

Introduction since I will post a lot of my day here, both personal and job related-

I work for a main global bank in the mortgage department. I won't state its name for security reasons. My job is to assist and deal with underwriting and negotiating loans (I will explain the process later). Basically, I deal with all of the borrowers who are going through serious or self-claimed hardships. 70% of the time its self-claimed hardships. My department is a government mandated one which all banks were forced to put into place because borrowers were sick and tired of the left hand never knowing what the right hand was doing at banks, and we all know this is a super common thing with most huge companies. The idea was have a single point of contact during your entire loss mitigation process regardless what you did or didn't qualify for until a process was found to help avoid foreclosure. Although I don't know why it took until 2011 for banks to start doing this, it worked, and now countless borrowers are getting the assistance they need (for the most part) and foreclosure ratings have slightly lowered depending on who the investor of the property is.

As a person, I am what you called an almost 25 year old mixed guy with the ability to fit in just about anywhere because I would rather spend more time enjoying life than judging people for my own entertainment. Yes, I do have my opinions about things, but I state them based not off mere fluid prejudice, but from the insane amount of things I've experienced in these almost 25 years. I wouldn't say I know everything, but learning is one of my biggest joys in life, therefore, I stay open to everything. I do have a bit of confidence that from time to time gets in the way of this, but life wouldn't be fun if it didn't. I'm actually from St Louis and I've been here for 3 years. I love Dallas, just having a hard time with its people (I'll explain later as well).

~Now, on with the show, next post is all about information, the more you know, the better. Anytime someone post something information related, the next post will be filled with it, and its gonna get mighty big.~

Krisko Mar 20, 2012 08:15 PM

Saved for information

Forgive the spelling errors or grammar, I'll correct eventually

Foreclosure Alternatives

First off, if you go into foreclosure, that does not mean you lost your home. Until the sale date has been reached, you have all of that time to be reviewed for foreclosure alternatives even while you are not in foreclosure. What makes being viewed for these options sometimes so difficult as you all may hear is that certain major bank investors like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require you to be 60+ days past due before they will even attempt to help you with anytime, for that is the initial way they believe you need assistance. So yes, your credit will have to be destroyed if your mortgage is with these investors before they even lend a hand. Most banks that are not not these two major banks (Chase, Citi, BoA, etc) are actually okay with you being current to be viewed for anything form of assistance. Also, once you go into foreclosure, the only way to cure the loan without any of the below plans is to reinstate the loan. This means paying the full balance included foreclosure and attorney fees and costs which can sometimes be as high as $5000. ONLY way to stop a foreclosure sale today is to be approved for any of these programs by underwriters or negotiators. Back then all you had to do was just apply for it. People played the "modification game" back then, and it allowed people to stay in their home for as high as 2000 days. How so? Stop making payments, go into foreclosure, when a foreclosure sale date is set apply for a modification, get approved by an underwriter and start your trial/probation period, make just one payment, stop, then start all over again. Most borrowers who did this lived rent free of course, and when we checked their bank accounts we saw alot of people who managed to save over $50-100k in just what should have been their mortgage payments. Banks have found ways to stop this, but, there are still ways.


A modification is not like a refinance and it's not just some interest rate reduction like people tell you. It is actually an extension of the terms of the loan and if you qualify, you may receive an interest rate reduction, but for the most part you do. How does this work? Example - If you have paid 5 amount of years on your 30 year fixed mortgage, they would take the remaining 25 years and extend anywhere between 30-40 years along with an interest rate reduction that may be fixed or a step rate. Yes your principle and interest will go down, but your account will now be escrowed (including taxes and insurance if it already wasn't) so the reduction won't look so much if it wasn't already escrowed. Modifications are not something you want to pursue if you have equity in your home, instead, do a refinance if you are dealing with a hardship you feel is long term.

The presidents modification, Homeowner Affordability Modification (HAM) is what you hear about on TV and this is how it works -

- Must be your main property, can't be one of your rental properties or getaway homes

- Your House to Gross Income (HTI) must be over 31%

- This is a once in a lifetime modification only, you screw this up, you can NEVER get it again

- Have made at least 12 consecutive payments on your last mod

- Must be going through a hardship (decreased income, unexpected expenses, overextended)

The thing about this modification is all they mainly look at is your HTI. Example - If your gross monthly income is $10,000 and your mortgage is $2000 a month, you don't qualify for it. If your mortgage is $5000 then you are qualified for review because its more than 31% of $10,000. This also means the government could care less about any of your other bills since its house to income based. With this $10,000 income, even if you pay $2000 a month in credit cards and $1000 for tuition or school bills, $2000 in groceries and utilities and have a $1000 car payment it doesn't matter one bit. The president's modification is to make your home affordable, not your lifestyle.

If you don't qualify for the president's HAM due to any reason above, you'll be run for the investor modification, which are more debt to income ratio (DTI) based. These actually look at your lifestyle somewhat, and can even be done on your rental or private homes. These mods are awesome.

What happens to the delinquent amount if you are past due? It will either be put back into the principle balance or sent to the end of the loan drawing no interest. If it is sent to the end of the loan, once your loan is paid in full, there will be a huge balloon payment for that amount.


- Decrease in monthly payments
- Account is now escrowed (its a pro and a con to some)
- Account is out of foreclosure status if it was ever in it
- Account is now current


- You are now paying on interest all over again for a must longer period
- Your credit score gets a constant negative reporting if you are past due, even during the probation period
- You will receive a "modification" on your credit report. Unlike most things that last for 3-9 years on your credit report, this one last during the entire time you own this loan. Even if its 40 years.
- If you go behind within 12 months of your previous modification, you can't get another one.


A huge percentage of homes were greatly effected by the current economy situation, and therefore selling your home for what you put into it is close to impossible sometimes. Unlike a normal sale of your home which you do at appraisal value, a shortsale is liquidating the home for fair market value. This means you're selling the home based off the area, foreclosure rate and current property assessment. These are not measured by appraisals but by something called Broker Price of Opinion (BPO). This is like an appraisal, but much cheaper and is done by the banks, who ofcourse charge it to your mortgage principle ($60). All they do is take drive-by pictures and leave in most cases, sometimes they'll just do an interior BPO, but still all they do is snap photos and leave. It saves time and money for the banks. Anyways, this must be done by a realtor you hired and not yourself. Now, selling the home for fair market value is like this, although you may have got the home at $120k, your realtors BPO says your home is worth $70k right now, so you'll have to sale your home based off that. Keep in mind, your realtor BPO and the BPO done by the bank isn't always the same, so the offer you receive from a buyer is just something you have to throw at the bank and see if the fish takes the bait. If not, they'll kick it back. Banks will never tell you their BPO because they want net or reduce losses as much as possible. Although your realtor feels the property is worth $70k but the banks BPO says its worth $40k and you get a 60k offer, the bank potentially is going to net $20k somewhere, but this isn't always the case. Most of the time the banks take a hit, but no where near as much as a foreclosure. If a bank foreclosure on a property with equity, banks will actually come out winners cause they pocket your equity and move on. Banks also have something called HAFA (Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives) in which they will pay you money to do the shortsale, but it's only on 1st mortgages. The average offer is $3000, and this is money to help you move and pay the rent for a while at your new place. Banks DO NOT mention this option most of the time and it's something you may have to request and constantly bring up.


- Your liquidating the home and avoiding foreclosure
- You're not responsible for the difference in the principle balance and the amount the home sold for as you are in a foreclosure
- HAFA is awesome


- The difference in the principle balance and the amount the home sold for is something you will have to do a 1099 on your taxes. Meaning if your household income was $100,000 and the difference in your shortsale and principle balance was $80,000, its going to look like you made $180,000 for the year and that is what you will be taxed off for the year
- Your credit report will read "Debt partially paid in full". This is not as bad as a Foreclosure report, but it still hurts
- You don't get to keep the equity in your home


Have a 2nd mortgage or HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) and you don't want it anymore? Just do a settlement. Offer the bank a minimum of 10% of what you owe on it and poof, its gone. Yep, its that simple.

- Who wants a 2nd mortgage anyways?

- Your credit report will read "Debt partially paid in full". This is not as bad as a Foreclosure report, but it still hurts


Ever heard those people say "I'm gonna do the cash for keys" thing? Not all banks due that, only one does if I remember correctly. If you don't want the property anymore, don't want to do a shortsale or just can't find a buyer, do a Deed In Lieu. This is giving the property back to the bank with no obligations in return financially. Also, what's cool is you can get WAY more money from HAFA (Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative) doing this. Some borrower's get $7k-13k back from the banks to help assist with their relocation doing this option. Some investors like Freddie Mac require that you attempt a shortsale for 6 months first, while others do not. I highly advise you make this a last option to avoid foreclosure, see CONS for why. Also, you can't have any 2nd mortgages, liens or HELOCs against the property, those must all be settled before you can view this option. Also, the property must be 120% clean swept, no damages and you can't even leave that swing set you bought in the back yard. Must go with you.

- You are no longer legally liable for the debt

- You will have to do a 1099 tax form on the ENTIRE principle balance since the difference is zero dollars from a sale that never happened. So again, if you make $100k a year and the principle balance is $240k, you will be taxed on a $340k income for that year.
- The credit reporting is almost as bad as a foreclosure, good luck finding a new place to live if you haven't


This option is never mentioned and not even many people within banks know about it. This option is similar to a deed in lieu, except you can stay in the property up to a year after the deed in lieu takes place rent free until you find a new place. Your only obligation is to pay the monthly escrow of the taxes and insurance that is due unless advised differently from the negotiator. Great option, just same down falls as a deed in lieu. Sad part, HAFA is not offered for this option.

- You are no longer legally liable for the debt
- Live rent free for up to a year

- You will have to do a 1099 tax form on the ENTIRE principle balance since the difference is zero dollars from a sale that never happened. So again, if you make $100k a year and the principle balance is $240k, you will be taxed on a $340k income for that year.
- The credit reporting is almost as bad as a foreclosure, good luck finding a new place to live if you haven't


Based on certain state guidelines, when a property goes so fair delinquent, foreclosure proceedings will start. This is both bad and good, but more bad. Its good because certain investors will actually start to look at your hardship and assist you. Bad because now you can no longer make payments, why, because payments will change the initial money amounts of the foreclosure proceedings and attorneys will have to start all over again because the bank took your payment, which is good for you but bad for banks. Things like this allow you to live in your home rent free for a lot longer if that's your aim. Also, now you owe foreclosure fees and costs to the attorneys office, and if you want to reinstate (fully pay all that is behind) the loan, you'll have to pay the past due balance and the attorney fees. With most of the above programs, these fees are paid off in the completion of each one. Loss mitigation options can be done during this time even if a sale date has been set. If you are approved for any program during this time, the sale date will either be canceled or pushed back depending on the state you live in. In Texas, they just hold the sale date. Texas doesn't play with foreclosures, you go behind, be prepared to lose your home fairly quickly. No real PROS or CONS


- Know anyone who says they are just going to walk away from their house? Bad idea. The cons are so terrible based off what state you're in that everything you imagined a nightmare to be is going to come true. Wonder why bankruptcy always follows a foreclosure sale date? Because in most states banks can still come after you for the difference. No 1099 tax form is done. That money that's different from the principle balance and the foreclosure sale at auction you still owe. Banks will garish wages, siege your assets, and use EVERY mean necessary to get their money. This is not in all states.

- None

- Good luck finding a new home. No creditor will even consider you so find you a good significant other and hope they have good credit.
- The difference in the foreclosure sale amount and the principle balance the borrower can still be held responsible for


- If you have to fill out a 1099 on anything for something like this talk with a tax consultant, they can reduce or even waive the amount.

- Filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy to avoid a foreclosure sale and now another foreclosure sale date is coming up? File Chapter 13 if you have to in a terrible situation. Multiple different bankruptcies can be filed in the same year.

- Chapter 7 > Chapter 13 if you don't have money. If you don't have much money in a Chapter 7, all unsecured debts are typically written off. If you do have money they will use those funds to pay off some of each debt. Secured debts are not written off. With a Chapter 13, its pretty much a repayment plan of all your debts.

BambiTLK Mar 20, 2012 08:42 PM

Oh, this is gonna be good.....I'll grab the popcorn.

Krisko Mar 20, 2012 10:16 PM

Information post updated

justin81 Mar 21, 2012 05:32 AM


SiliconTek Mar 21, 2012 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10048433)
Oh, this is gonna be good.....I'll grab the popcorn.


Acree Mar 22, 2012 03:03 PM

Very informative post man. That's crazy. It makes me want to buy a house.


Krisko Mar 22, 2012 06:54 PM

Sorry for the late reply. My computer caught a virus from the infinite amount of porn my brother downloaded and looked up. He lacks the ability to do virus scans or delete viral cookies so I lose. So Bambi was right, I need to stop talking to idiot women. If one moregirl steps on my sideskirts its gonna be a b!itch slap buffet in this muther****er. They all complain about the seats taking their ass virginity and a few were like "zomg your car has a 180 speedometer its faster than a Lambo i bet". Sometimes i dont know if this is some horrible attempt to impress me or just pure idiocy at its finest. So now what I've decided to do is to is attend any and all car meets in the DFW area. This way i can not only network, meet new people, learn about all other kinds of cars but I can also find what kind of women attend these meets. Met tons of cool ones, but ofcourse they were either married or dating. Regardless, I now know where to find women who understand what "dont step on my sideskirt" without having to remind them each and every time they get in and out of my car.

Just not looking for women who find heavy interest in reality shows, music videos, dance shows and who not only wants to think outside of the box but tear it up too. Most people find heavy interest or "love" in others because they always fall victim to what I like to call the 3 Common Interest Law. This is the interest of liking people because the like to Eat, watch TV or Movies, and have Sex. People are famous for starting relationships based off these 3 things but when it gets down to hobbies or wanting to share them, thats when you really start to learn about someone and quickly learn how much they suck. I just love it when women tell me "omg I love video games" and Im like "holy **** really!?" only to receive the reply "yeah do you got Mario or Sonic???" Mario and Sonic are not video games, as I have told many, these are requirements to pass kindergarten. Then when they feel the relationship is about to end they attempt to learn video games and play with you ONLY to ask you what the X, triangle, square and circle stands for ( sorry guys the Playstation 3 > X Box 180) or why does the controller have so many buttons. Zzzzzzzz...

BambiTLK Mar 22, 2012 08:45 PM

Wow. Tell us how you really feel, Krisko. :D

Also, car meets are not the place to pick up women. The chicks that go to those are bad news, trust. :lol:

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 05:27 AM

While we're ranting, I guess, I'd just like to throw this out there. For the love of all that is good and holy, this "negging" bullcrap has got to freaking stop. Like, right now.

PlanoEvo Mar 23, 2012 08:22 AM

^ you know for a girl that likes video games so much your kind of attractive

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by PlanoEvo (Post 10053782)
^ you know for a girl that likes video games so much your kind of attractive

Ahahahaha! :lol:

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by PlanoEvo (Post 10053782)
^ you know for a girl that likes video games so much your kind of attractive

I used to tease the girls who would sometimes find their way into my group by asking "Hey, just out of curiosity...are you a typical gamer-girl...or are you hot?

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Bullett (Post 10053793)
I used to tease the girls who would sometimes find their way into my group by asking "Hey, just out of curiosity...are you a typical gamer-girl...or are you hot?

That's telling, right there. I'm just going to go ahead and assume they didn't stay long.

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 08:43 AM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10053798)
That's telling, right there. I'm just going to go ahead and assume they didn't stay long.

Naah. Most were in on the joke. The ones that weren't were not really part of our main group.

It's just like how I used to tease my best friend's wife by standing in his living room and telling him "Dude, look. Just go to your wife, tell her to get back in the kitchen and get started on the housework, and you and yo' boy are gonna go hang and that's it." (Pause for effect) "She's behind me, isn't she?"

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 09:03 AM

Said to me or someone I was with in the last week (my or her response in parentheses):

"You're kinda hot." ("You're kinda dumb.")

"I don't normally go for girls with your body type, but you look like you're working it." ("I don't normally assault strangers, but you look like you deserve it.")

"It's really unbecoming to see such an attractive woman swear so much." ("F*** off.")

"You're a hottie that can read? That's so weird." ("F*** off." ) My friend isn't so great at comebacks. LOL.

There were some we heard from different guys in the same night, so they all must be learning this somewhere.

Seriously. I know these have to work at some point, otherwise no one would use them...but don't pick up a chick with negs and then start whining that you can't find a confident, intelligent woman. Don't try to bring someone down just because she is having a good time without you.

Also, don't insult someone after being rebuffed. It's sad. Just a second ago you thought she was attractive enough to hit on, but now she's a cow? Ooookay.

/end rant

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10053862)
Said to me or someone I was with in the last week (my or her response in parentheses):

"You're kinda hot." ("You're kinda dumb.")

Since when is it a neg to tell a girl she's kinda hot? Surely women must know that "10's" are few and far between. The same is true for guys. If a guy ain't a cover model or a football player, his chances of being a 10 are next to none. Heck, I'd probably fall somewhere between a 2 and a 3 myself.

But I've said various girls are "kinda cute" before...usually in conversation with friends and such. I never would have thought of that as a "neg."

Did I miss a memo or something?

Kracka Mar 23, 2012 09:24 AM

I'd consider 2 of those 4 to be neg-hits.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 09:32 AM

Consider it what you will, it's still frustrating. Trust me, if you're hot, you don't have to do much. If you're not, then just pick up some social skills. It's really not that hard. (That's what she said.)

I've just noticed this "Game" bull**** becoming so popular in the last year or so. Or have guys always been this way and I've just been lucky up til now?

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10053932)
If you're not, then just pick up some social skills. It's really not that hard. (That's what she said.)

This is the part that's always frustrated the ugly guys (like me). The guys who are (or used to be) genuine, nice guys but aren't underwear models have to do so much just to even get a foot in the door. Meanwhile the a-hole guys who have the abs and such can treat girls like they don't give a rat's hind parts and the girls just fawn over them.

And then later, the girls complain about what an a-hole their boyfriends are and how they'll "never change."

Ummmm duh? I developed an entire theory about all this (that's so far proven true), but I won't go into it right now.

Acree Mar 23, 2012 10:08 AM

WTH is "negging?" I guess I've been in a relationship too long. :lol:


BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Acree (Post 10054031)
WTH is "negging?" I guess I've been in a relationship too long. :lol:


And that's what we call a humblebrag. :lol: Kidding!

I was out of the dating world for quite a while, but this is something I've noticed gaining a lot of traction in the last year or so.

Acree Mar 23, 2012 10:15 AM

No seriously, what is it? How does one neg?


BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Acree (Post 10054048)
No seriously, what is it? How does one neg?


It's the fine "game" of insulting a woman with a compliment, so as to force her to seek your validation.

"Remember that a neg-hit is a remark, sometimes humorous, used to point out a woman’s flaws.

a) A neg-hit IS used to penetrate a woman’s ***** shield.

b) A neg-hit IS used to bring a woman down off her self-imposed pedestal.

c) A neg-hit is SINCERE. Women can spot phony a mile away.

d) And most importantly, a neg-hit IS used to bring a woman’s self perception more into line with reality."
Taken from:


Bullett Mar 23, 2012 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by Acree (Post 10054048)
No seriously, what is it? How does one neg?


It's a backhanded compliment/diss that's intended to lower the confidence of a girl who might otherwise be "out of your league."

For example: You say to a girl "Those earrings are nice (she smiles), my grandmother loves the cheap-looking plastic jewelry too (suddenly she feels self-conscious, thinking that her earrings make her look cheap)."

Another example: "Wow, you look nice to night. It's refreshing to see someone who's not afraid to let herself go a little."

They're compliments, but with a nice verbal back-hand to follow. They were detailed in a book called "The Game."

A "humblebrag" is, I think, in the book too (never read it myself). It's basically where you "complain" about something that most guys in your situation would not complain about. "Man...these pants are too tight...I can't fit my big ol' package in them comfortably." Or "My wallet won't fit into my pocket...it's just too full."

Acree Mar 23, 2012 10:27 AM

:lol: It's nothing more than being an @sshole, you're just being a smart @sshole. How is this new news?!

And to guys defense, with most of the women out in the "scene," you pretty much have to be a dick. Nice guys finish last, always. Happened to me all through high school.


BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 10:29 AM

[QUOTE=Bullett;10054069]Another example: "Wow, you look nice to night. It's refreshing to see someone who's not afraid to let herself go a little."

That one would make me LOL. :lol:

I don't know where humblebrag is from, just something I picked up off the Internets.

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by Acree (Post 10054079)
:lol: It's nothing more than being an @sshole, you're just being a smart @sshole. How is this new news?!

And to guys defense, with most of the women out in the "scene," you pretty much have to be a dick. Nice guys finish last, always. Happened to me all through high school.

Ditto. I finished last so many times I decided to voluntarily avoid "the scene" and refuse to play "the (or any other) game."

In short, I became an a-hole just because I was tired of all the BS. Little did I know at the time that being an a-hole did in fact attract girls. Odd that I finally attracted girls at a time when that's the last thing I wanted to do.

Chicks are weird.

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10054086)
That one would make me LOL. :lol:

I don't know where humblebrag is from, just something I picked up off the Internets.

I think it's from The Game as well. The only reason I know any of that book is a morning radio "sidekick" on a show I used to listen to was well-versed in the book and would talk about it all the time.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 10:36 AM


It's not that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are awesome.

Nice Guys™ who feel they "deserve" any hot girl they want, or who feel that the world owes them a favor are not, in fact, nice guys. In my experience, these are the ones that neg girls.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by bullett (Post 10054107)
people are weird.

ftfy. :)

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10054115)

It's not that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are awesome.

Nice Guys™ who feel they "deserve" any hot girl they want, or who feel that the world owes them a favor are not, in fact, nice guys. In my experience, these are the ones that neg girls.

I think we're talking about two different groups of guys.

chkmgnt59 Mar 23, 2012 10:50 AM

"guys with abs only get the girls"

Cop-out. Nobody who says that is fantasizing over fat girls. You want the hot girls. They try hard. Get off your ass and go to the gym and get the abs. Its about your personal priorities.


BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by chkmgnt59 (Post 10054145)
"guys with abs only get the girls"

Cop-out. Nobody who says that is fantasizing over fat girls. You want the hot girls. They try hard. Get off your ass and go to the gym and get the abs. Its about your personal priorities.



Bullett Mar 23, 2012 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by chkmgnt59 (Post 10054145)
"guys with abs only get the girls"

Cop-out. Nobody who says that is fantasizing over fat girls. You want the hot girls. They try hard. Get off your ass and go to the gym and get the abs. Its about your personal priorities.


That was, of course, a generalization. Working out will get me abs. Nothing can be done about my face, however. I don't look like Paul Walker or Ryan Reynolds. Never have, never will.

rmondoh Mar 23, 2012 10:57 AM

I'm a nice guy.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by rmondoh (Post 10054165)
I'm a nice guy.

And you have a girlfriend! :p

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by Bullett (Post 10054163)
That was, of course, a generalization. Working out will get me abs. Nothing can be done about my face, however. I don't look like Paul Walker or Ryan Reynolds. Never have, never will.

So you're saying ugly people always end up forever alone? So you might as well just be an *******?

It's not anyone else's fault if you have no other redeeming qualities...

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10054182)
So you're saying ugly people always end up forever alone? So you might as well just be an *******?

It's not anyone else's fault if you have no other redeeming qualities...

No, I'm saying that I got f'ed over enough that I became an a-hole. The bit about ugly people was neither exclusive, nor inclusive of my plight, but rather another occurrence I've come to accept.

I accepted my...aesthetically-challenged nature long ago. It is what it is. What I don't accept, however, is the number of times I've been screwed over by those I've dated simply because they knew they could get away with it (yes, that's partially my fault as well).

Basically it's like this -- I was always the high school geek who was amazed that a girl would even be seen talking to me. Later in life, girls...a string of them...decided to take advantage of that fact. Now, having realized and accepted my...status(?)...I've decided that being an a-hole from the outset lets them know I'm not falling for their BS.

Few things can match the satisfaction of seeing a girl's reaction when she learns that her looks don't get her anywhere, even with an ugly duckling like me. It's like watching Supergirl discover the necklace she was just given is made of Kryptonite.

There's a running joke around my job we laugh about ever since I got my car. Some of my coworkers said "Dang man, you're gonna be catchin' lots of girls' attention now."

I said "Yeah, and this is how it will go:"

The girl (trying to be charming) -- "Say...that's a hot car (batting eyelashes)"
Me -- "Yeah I know. See that empty seat on my right?"
Her (excitedly) -- "Oh yes!"
Me -- "That's not for you." {pcfreak} (Engine revving, turbo spooling up....)
Her -- :confused:

Back when I was still looking at getting the Mustang GT, I noticed there was a package available that allowed for "custom messages" on the door jam down by the side skirt. I told my coworkers I was going to opt for that package and make the custom message "That's not for you."

My coworkers say I have issues.

My coworkers are right.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by Bullett (Post 10054230)
Few things can match the satisfaction of seeing a girl's reaction when she learns that her looks don't get her anywhere, even with an ugly duckling like me. It's like watching Supergirl discover the necklace she was just given is made of Kryptonite.

That's scary.

so·ci·o·path   /ˈsoʊsiəˌpćθ, ˈsoʊʃi-/ Show Spelled[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-] Show IPA
noun Psychiatry .
a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

Originally Posted by Bullett (Post 10054230)

The girl (trying to be charming) -- "Say...that's a hot car (batting eyelashes)"
Me -- "Yeah I know. See that empty seat on my right?"
Her (excitedly) -- "Oh yes!"
Me -- "That's not for you." {pcfreak} (Engine revving, turbo spooling up....)
Her -- :confused:

Back when I was still looking at getting the Mustang GT, I noticed there was a package available that allowed for "custom messages" on the door jam down by the side skirt. I told my coworkers I was going to opt for that package and make the custom message "That's not for you."

That has never happened. I'd bet money it never will.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 12:31 PM

I am so glad I went and got popcorn earlier... :lol:

Krisko Mar 23, 2012 12:33 PM

I'm one of the most attractive people I've ever seen and never once has a girl complimented me on my car unless they were 30+ years old and drove Camrys or Kias for that matter. EVO's make car enthusiast hard, not reality show enthusiast. Gasp* wait Bullett, maybe that chick was your soul mate and you just got rid of her without giving her the time of day. I personally believe everyone deserves a chance regardless what their initial intentions are.

In my eyes, everyone is beautiful, just in their own way. I think the true beauty of a person lies within all of their assets as a human being and what they can provide for others as well as themselves. Last time I've had serious abs was 3 years ago. I now have abs that sit on my keg, which looks weird to me, but you can at least tell I have muscle. Only reason I even go to the gym isn't to gain abs to look good for others, but I love the way how being in shape makes me feel. Putting on a shirt and saying "damnit my man pecks are too big for this" is a whole lot better than saying "gosh, my man boobs and love handles sure do feel this up, huh". Trust me, as a massage therapist, one thing I can honestly tell you is that body fat holds stress like no tomorrow. Once you lose it, you'll notice those things you dwell on so much or can't stop thinking about slowly disappear. And even if you do, just stop and realize how awesome your life really is, you could be in a war zone instead thinking about your ex when a bomb just falls right into your lap.

Some people in this world deserve themselves. There are far too many people in this world to worry about or dwell on just one. If a person wants to be on their pedestal, let them in my opinion, because they will soon realize there's only enough room on it for one person, them-self, for the rest of their life.

Krisko Mar 23, 2012 12:35 PM

I don't know why but lately I've been getting hit on tremendously by women in their 30-50's. Yesterday I went to a friends bday party and this one women followed me, atleast 45-50, followed me and was trying to make plans with me for the weekend. No matter how much I told her about the Cobb meet and the Dallas Auto Show and that I would be busy, she kept trying to remind me those evens don't take up the whole day. What has this world come to.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 12:58 PM

Savor this moment...

For once in my life, words escape me.

Supraboy1 Mar 23, 2012 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by Krisko (Post 10054350)
I'm one of the most attractive people I've ever seen.


That as so funny I had milk come out my nose.

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 03:22 PM

I'm just going to put this here...

nar·cis·sism   [nahr-suh-siz-em]
inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
Psychoanalysis . erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development.

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10054332)
That's scary.
so·ci·o·path   /ˈsoʊsiəˌpćθ, ˈsoʊʃi-/ Show Spelled[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-] Show IPA
noun Psychiatry .
a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

How exactly is enjoying watching manipulative chicks get nowhere an example of being a sociopath? Am I supposed to just allow them to manipulate me, use me, rip me off and like it? I think not.

Far too many women these days use their looks to squeeze men for anything they can get out of them. Want an example? Go to Hooters....Bone Daddy's...or any strip club on the planet. Those are, of course, the more extreme and well-known employment-driven examples. But the "pretty girls" that aren't in those professions do it daily as well. Go to any bar or club and watch how the women show up with no purses or wallets, just their IDs and yet drink all night long....for free.

One a guy realizes this BS, he can turn the tables on those types of women. And yes, that's incredibly fun.

Originally Posted by BambiTLK (Post 10054332)
That has never happened. I'd bet money it never will.

Perhaps not in those exact words, but then that's why I called it a "running joke where I work." You did see those words, right?

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by Krisko (Post 10054350)
Gasp* wait Bullett, maybe that chick was your soul mate and you just got rid of her without giving her the time of day.

Well I figure if someone is "my soulmate" being rebuffed once won't deter them. If it does, they clearly weren't my soulmate.

chkmgnt59 Mar 23, 2012 06:49 PM

This is all is see when you post

BambiTLK Mar 23, 2012 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by chkmgnt59 (Post 10055184)

Now I need a new phone as I have just spit beer all over mine. :lol:

Bullett Mar 23, 2012 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by chkmgnt59 (Post 10055184)

Not sure what that is, but ok.

Acree Mar 23, 2012 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by Bullett (Post 10055420)
Not sure what that is, but ok.

My Dear Bullet,

Let me be the first to introduce you to the rage faces! I am so happy to be the one who has popped your rage face cherry.

For the crash course, please visit the following link.


I leave you, with this:



Bullett Mar 23, 2012 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Acree (Post 10055491)
My Dear Bullet,

Let me be the first to introduce you to the rage faces! I am so happy to be the one who has popped your rage face cherry.

For the crash course, please visit the following link.

Yeah....I know about smileys and rage faces, thanks. That's not really what I meant though.

Acree Mar 23, 2012 11:24 PM

Basically, "chkmgnt59" is saying that you will be forever searching for "that" soulmate.

While, I think your posts are well justified and I can totally understand, chkmgnt59 is basically saying, "QQmore." (more, moar, moore, however you like)


Bullett Mar 23, 2012 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by Acree (Post 10055529)
Basically, "chkmgnt59" is saying that you will be forever searching for "that" soulmate.

Naaah. Searching ain't really my thing. It is what it is. I already have all I need. {thumbup}

Krisko Mar 27, 2012 09:24 PM

I'm going to go back to updating this once I have fully moved to my new apartment this weekend and cable is set back up. I'm giving my brother ALOT of my furniture and stuff to get him started at his new apartment, so until play funds are in place, I'm just going to be content with below:

I got my exhaust upgraded over at EvoD and I love it. ETS V2 Quiet with test pipe (not HFC) and Cobb downpipe. I love it, quiet when it needs to be and has a nice growl at WOT. Hell, I actually enjoy 5th gear at high RPMs which is weird because it was super annoying on the stocker.

What's weird is all these homeowners that call in for assistance that start to complain when they don't qualify for programs. Ofcourse, the first questions is always "I thought you guys were bailed out to help us keep our homes and you're not helping me, what happened to that money". Truth hurts as usual when I tell them " Well miss, us banks had to get bailed out because you stopped paying your mortgage", which ofcourse no one ever seems to understand why banks are in their situation. Gotta love when people go into foreclosure due to unexpected expenses; when it comes time to see their bank statements we see $10,000 spend on a wedding for their daughter as their claimed hardship. And yes, I've seen these turned these down for modification through tests created by Freddie Mac. True hardships are easily seem over obvious stupidity with someone who needs credit counseling.

Kracka Mar 28, 2012 06:46 AM

There's hope for some of you guys (and girl) yet! http://daveryanshow.iheart.com/cc-co...33fb2825db4d82


BambiTLK Mar 28, 2012 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by Kracka (Post 10064078)
There's hope for some of you guys (and girl) yet! http://daveryanshow.iheart.com/cc-co...33fb2825db4d82


Psh. That's old hat.

It's that old correlation != causation thing...

Supraboy1 Mar 28, 2012 11:48 AM

Speaking of cause and effect... I want to be able to serve a piece of cake to a hot chick and make her was to have sex with me ( matrix 2 )

Kracka Mar 28, 2012 12:59 PM

If you want sex it's easier just to serve her a roofie.

BambiTLK Mar 28, 2012 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Kracka (Post 10064862)
If you want sex it's easier just to serve her a roofie.

Well, some guys don't have to resort to that.

...just sayin'


Kracka Mar 28, 2012 02:34 PM


chkmgnt59 Mar 28, 2012 02:37 PM

I resort to calling them *****es.
The panties drop I tell you, the panties drop

Kracka Mar 28, 2012 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by chkmgnt59 (Post 10065090)
I resort to calling them *****es.
The panties drop I tell you, the panties drop

Do you tell them you're ugly before, or after?

chkmgnt59 Mar 28, 2012 02:53 PM

During. I just say "I'm ugly, bi+ch!"

Krisko Mar 28, 2012 05:40 PM

And bambi wonders why I say it so much :p

And yes, some of us dont need trivial things to impress others. Just me breathing is enough for them. This one chick getting married in the middle of april is taking a leave of absence tomorrow and told me she expects me to come see her half of those days before shes married (Ill keep this rated G and just say she wants to play house). Just breathing guys, just breathing

BambiTLK Mar 29, 2012 07:02 AM

OMG. I'm dying. :lol:

T6 Mar 29, 2012 07:38 AM

Originally Posted by Kracka (Post 10064862)
If you want sex it's easier just to serve her a roofie.

Made my day.

Guys dont forget about serving mini sandwiches (bite size) and gatorade after a climax for a few minutes then round 2. Rinse and repeat. I was very skeptical about the whole food thing but god damn it works wonders.

mt057 Mar 29, 2012 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by Krisko (Post 10065417)
And bambi wonders why I say it so much :p

And yes, some of us dont need trivial things to impress others. Just me breathing is enough for them. This one chick getting married in the middle of april is taking a leave of absence tomorrow and told me she expects me to come see her half of those days before shes married (Ill keep this rated G and just say she wants to play house). Just breathing guys, just breathing

Wow. Not much to brag about there. Good luck in life.

Krisko Mar 29, 2012 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by mt057 (Post 10066385)
Wow. Not much to brag about there. Good luck in life.

Just stating facts. People brag about new and temporary things in their lives. These things are common for meh. Life's amazing, kind sir, if i do say so myself. I pry on eye contact and body language. When you pay attention to these things its easy to tell the differences between normal looks and bedroom eyes. For some reason its harder with stippers.. errr.. professional dancers because they always have bedroom eyes. Drugs and alcohol can do amazing things sometimes. Theres those looks like "oh, he's cute he must be a player" and theres the "Damn he fine, I wish my baby daddy looked like him, shiiiiiiit i bet he make pretty babies too".

WTF is up with this alarmingly large amount of mosquito eaters??? Last 3 springs there were no where near as many as these damned things.

BambiTLK Mar 29, 2012 09:02 AM


...are you on drugs?

gforced Mar 29, 2012 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by Krisko (Post 10065417)
And bambi wonders why I say it so much :p

And yes, some of us dont need trivial things to impress others. Just me breathing is enough for them. This one chick getting married in the middle of april is taking a leave of absence tomorrow and told me she expects me to come see her half of those days before shes married (Ill keep this rated G and just say she wants to play house). Just breathing guys, just breathing

Feel sorry for the man she is marrying. If she is willing to cheat now, she will cheat later.

Supraboy1 Mar 29, 2012 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by Krisko (Post 10065417)
Just breathing guys, just breathing

Just breathing gets you this....






Never this..




Or course.... if your drunk and on drugs you might settle for this and call it number 657


Krisko Mar 29, 2012 11:40 AM

Incorrect my good man. First, you put up photos of unintelligent white women, which has been explained several times they do not interest me. We are in a new generation and times change every 5-10 years. Being a single guy sometimes adapting is the only option. Doesnt mean i dont maintain a stable personality, just means I embrace change with open arms.

BambiTLK Mar 29, 2012 11:43 AM

Originally Posted by Krisko (Post 10066876)
Incorrect my good man. First, you put up photos of unintelligent white women, which has been explained several times they do not interest me. We are in a new generation and times change every 5-10 years. Being a single guy sometimes adapting is the only option. Doesnt mean i dont maintain a stapke personality, just means I embrace change with open arms.


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