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fareastkorean Feb 14, 2005 10:16 PM

I got rear ended 8- (
I only had my damn car for about 6 months and I got rear ended!!!!!! Today around noon time while I was going to class as usual I got rear ended by some young high school girl 8- ( I saw her coming really fast, but I couldn't do anything because there was traffic in front of me and I was at a complete stop. After she hit my car, I got out the car while I was in shock, and noticed she was crying really hard. It was kinda drizzling and raining a bit, traffic was also backed up while I was stopped at an intersection, 5 seconds later I feel my whole back just booooooooooooooooooooom. I look in the rear view mirror and say ****KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! The damage itself is on my back rear bumper and my whole buschur exhaust is hanging about 2 inches from the ground, and I think the B-pipe is bent. The car sounded **** when I drove off after the officer exchanged information for us. This is my first car accident I was involved in from my 3 years of driving experience 8- ( When I try to punch the car, the turbo feels weird and it won't go much, maybe because my exhaust is all on the ground 8- ( Anyway, its not to bad comestic wise, hopefully when I get my car to a body shop and get it lifted, we don't see many other problems. Im just glad nobody got hurt, and most of all I didn't get into a head on collision today. Thank god, and thank mitsubishi for a strong back bumper :mitsu: {thumbup}

RSGuy Feb 14, 2005 10:19 PM

That sucks man, I know how it is. I'm sure in a week or so it'll be good as new.


TC4G63 Feb 14, 2005 10:21 PM

I just shed a tear for you, it's like seeing a family member injured.

PoorBoys Feb 14, 2005 10:23 PM

Ya, that sucks hard.

fareastkorean Feb 14, 2005 10:33 PM

for some reason, i was reallly angry, but I didn't let my anger out. I stayed calm, I knew the cosmetic damage would be minor when I felt her hit me. I didnt know that my exhaust would be pushed back and dragging like that. My car felt like a geo metro when I punched it, and it sounded like a coffee can muffler 8 - ( Hopefully the stupid claim adjusters contact me asap so that girl's insurance can gimmie a check so I can get it fixed starting tomorrow!!!!! O yea, since my exhaust (b pipe and few other parts) is kinda bent, will the insurance buy me a whole new one or just fix it, I don't think any shops around here have a mandrel bend machine. Also my bumper, it's not to badly damaged, they might be able to repair it, but I rather them get me a brand new one instead.

EidolaDream Feb 14, 2005 10:34 PM

When you stressed the point it was some highschool chick, I thought it was going to get ugly and hear about you smacking the hell out of her lol

Well after the body shop your baby should be good as new.

vegasboy301 Feb 14, 2005 10:55 PM

that sucks, i know how it feels

lightingyellow8 Feb 15, 2005 12:20 AM

i can tottaly relate to you man... it blows :crap: {thumbdwn}

Tureno-AE86 Feb 15, 2005 03:11 AM

thats weird
cuz if yoru exhust is hanging the officer shouldnt' let you drive off
they usually call for a toll truck for you
post some pic of the wreck

fareastkorean Feb 15, 2005 05:34 AM

the officer was a retard, she forgot to write down the person's zipcode and city/county. It happened right near the border of two county's and I was like wtf, why didn't she write that **** down on the paper. Anyway, she was prob like oh, its a minor accident, she just saw the bumper damaged, didn't even notice that the exhaust wasn't even lined up with the back bumper and that it was almost dragging from the ground. If i can find a camera, ill post some pics.

Shado Feb 15, 2005 06:00 AM

Oh, I hope the insurance will cove the aftermarket exhaust for you. When I was rear ended in my Fiero GT the Insurance would only cover the Factory OEM parts. It really sucked, It was expencive to get custom bent dual exahust for that rear engined V6... Anyway, I hope they cover it for you, sometimes insurance companies can be a real b*tch to deal with.
L8R, Jay

calhoun Feb 15, 2005 08:36 AM

sorry to hear, good luck with the body shop and rental cars.
Was the chick that hit you at least hot?

urbnprsutvhicle Feb 15, 2005 08:41 AM

i got rear ended last thurs but thankfull no damage. sorry to hear you weren't as lucky

invazn Feb 15, 2005 08:54 AM

time for a new c-west body kit.

hydrofoam Feb 15, 2005 08:55 AM

I know it seems bad now.. but look at the bright side... You get a new back bumper... Possibly a new trunk... A brand new exhaust..... Look at all the positive... Hey just get insurance to cut you a check and you can get a CF Trunk..... A nice rear bumper....... A new Buschur exhaust...and still have some change left over!!!

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