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DawnoffateX Dec 23, 2005 05:53 PM

Buschur Racing / Wartalon
I've lurked these boards for the better half of a year. I plan my upgrade paths, I research new developments and I follow figures very closely. I do this across a number of automotive enthusiast forums.

I like to study parts, competitions, numbers and constructions, I might as well be an engineer. That being said, I come across my fair share of chumps and knowitalls. You know, the people you don your flame suits for.

With all the professional and amatuer **** that goes on in these boards, I just want to take a moment and give credit to two fantastic people on this boar

Wartalon - Informative replies laced with suddle sarcasm, but ulimately helpful. I find myself scrolling through attempting to find your reply, because I know it will be relevant. You also search for the answer to the question at hand, even if it was to just prove how easy it would have been to search.for in the first place. Your willingness to lend a hand doesn't go unnoticed, and i'm commending you for it.

David Buschur - You get my respect. Paticularly after the recently posted manifold tests. It is what it is, and I like that. Didn't make more power, thats the end of the story, sorry. I enjoy the dynamic a vendor creates when intereacting with his peers/potential clients. So, Hats off to Dave for making himself an accessable honest person that does well for our community whether its' in his best interests or not.

Merry Xmas~

Both of these individuals

Derek Baker Dec 23, 2005 05:56 PM

+1 ^^^^^^

4TUN8 Dec 23, 2005 06:02 PM

I told Warrtalon a couple of months ago that he was famous here and he didn't believe me =)

You see it now C?

Links0000 Dec 23, 2005 06:03 PM

+1 these two defenitly need all the credit they deserve!

Fa$[- a$ $hi[- Dec 23, 2005 06:03 PM

kiss a$$es! LOL

I think warrtalon needs to start his own company and charge for his good advice...and sarcasm of course.

p.s. can i have your autograph warr?:D

Kbp2025 Dec 23, 2005 06:06 PM

I agree, but merry Christmas too all my Evo peeps out there. Stay safe this holiday season!!!

Mark Sebby Dec 23, 2005 06:09 PM

+ 1,000,000 for David and Warrtalon! {thumbup} :mitsu:

DJ.Kickz Dec 23, 2005 06:13 PM

might this be the only post in the history of these forums that Warrtalon doesn't give a sarcastic response to?

Jared622 Dec 23, 2005 06:18 PM

No he still will lol.

Warrtalon Dec 23, 2005 06:24 PM

Wow, I appreciate the kinds words. I cringe to be mentioned in the same breath as Dave Buschur, since I have learned less about the 4G63 than he's forgotten (I know, lame cliche, but it's true), but I do try hard to help with what few things I do know. I also try hard to look out for my fellow Evo'er by providing great results with inexpensive parts. Most of my assistance to others is Tough Love, but that's just how I am. From the way my AIM account lights up, I know there are a bunch of lurkers who never post but do read closely and wisely come to me for basic advice instead of hastily posting a new thread with a basic question. I say to them - continue to contact me, because I am glad to help. I say the same to all others who have never IM'd me...if you have a question, just IM me, and I will help. I have only turned down one person via IM, and that was someone who insisted on getting a VTA BOV solely for the sound and had the gall to ask for my advice in finding the loudest BOV. Maybe it was a prank to make me mad, but the other 99% I've helped to the best of my ability.

I don't think it's any irony that I have naturally migrated towards the Buschur camp, because we have a similar approach to things as they pertain to the Evo. I am very thankful to have Dave's support and look forward to showing what his great parts can accomplish on a regular, everyday Evo.

Thanks again to all of your kinds words.

evobeaner Dec 23, 2005 06:26 PM


David Buschur Dec 23, 2005 06:40 PM

Thank you very much for the compliment.

I'm a car guy like you guys are. I don't want screwed out of MY money when I buy parts for my cars and don't feel any of you do either.

Have a great Christmas and thanks again!

David Buschur

walkedu Dec 23, 2005 06:51 PM

I know Warrtalon has helped me out a few times and every comment and suggestion he's made has made all the difference in my upgrade path. For David, i wish i could say more about him, but i just don't know much about him. Other than what i've heard, i'd rather speak from personal experience and not from he said she said sorta junk. Although i did just order my LICP from him? I'm sure it'll be everything i expect it to be from a man who cares about us and our cars like we'd hope a vendor would. Props to both you guys!

Jared622 Dec 23, 2005 06:56 PM

Yes, I would also have to agree. These are two great memebers that contribute to this site. David is the one that tuned my car with the Utec in it. Though it frustrated the hell out of him he was still really cool about everything and did a great job on the tune. He has earned a customer for life out of me, and I will be doing a lot more stuff to my car in the next month or two.

Rocket Dec 23, 2005 07:06 PM


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