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Peraonal notes on TLNW

Old Oct 18, 2003, 10:44 PM
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Peraonal notes on TLNW

Dustin¡¦s Personal Brainstorm for TLNW

„« Motto
„X What should we have?
„X Where should we put it?
„X Ideas: ¡§Small cars with big hearts for which no one makes any parts¡¨
„X ¡§To tune a Lancer is to redefine the term ¡¥custom fabrication¡¦
„X ¡§Crazy def. Adj: ver. 1: blah blah ver2: blah blah ver3: To willingly choose to tune a car with unlimited potential knowing full well that you and your car are different and because of that fact, no one will ever make any parts. See also Team Lancer Northwest

„« Banner
o What do we need?
o How do we want it to look?

„« Sweatshirts/ T-shirt progress

„« Set ¡Vup of Rules, Regulations, membership requirements, Membership qualifications and bylaws.
o Set them up on paper
o Make sets for everyone
o Disk copies for President, V.P. and Secretary

„« Create a hard copy members list
o Phone #¡¦s
o AIM screen names
o EvoM screen names

„« TLNW bank account
o Which bank?
o Who has access to the account (Pres, V.P. Treasurer?)?
o National bank like Wells Fargo or Bank of America preferably the latter

„« Business cards for the officers
o Simple but nice looking
o Professionally done, NOT on a home computer

„« Target List
o Who do we want as sponsors and how are we going after them
Old Oct 18, 2003, 10:45 PM
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„« Sponsors
o What do we expect from out sponsors?
o They need to be aggressive, positive, quality and pro-active
o No sitting on their ***, if they want to be involved with us they need to prove it! We also need to prove that we are worth sponsoring.
o 10% discounts are great but we need substantial rewards for advertising the sponsors
o Conflicting interests?
o Limit how many sponsors?
o If it isn¡¦t in your car, it isn¡¦t on a sticker!
o I¡¦d rather have 1 quality sponsor than 15 ¡§10% off sponsors¡¨
„« We need a sponsorship presentation and a presentation team to go along with it. Handouts, graphs, pictures, etc.

„« Meeting Structure
o Where? (GTG should alternate, meetings should be in middle?)
o How often? (Once a month for official meetings)
o GTG whenever we can as often as we can
o GTG should alternate: North, South, Middle
o Members should be required to attend a certain number of meetings per year.

„« Team Lancer Annual show
o Start planning EARLY!!
o Show should be in late spring?

„« Team Lancer North West Annual Events
o We should have these things in place to make it easier to plan in the future
o New Years party
o TLNW annual show
o Awards dinner
o Quarterly Induction events in conjunction with regular meetings
o Show Season kick of party
o Track day or Dyno day

„« Membership dues?
o How much for members?
o Do we need them?
o Drivers pay less than non-drivers?
o Fund raisers and sponsors instead?

„« Community Service Events
o 4-6 events yearly
o Easy but visible like community clean ups or sponsor a stretch of freeway
Old Oct 18, 2003, 10:47 PM
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„« Membership ID cards
o So sponsors can identify TLNW members
o Car show ID

„« Dress code:
o I know this isn¡¦t what everyone wants to see but I think it would be nice to present a professional image
„X Pro Shows: guys, Khakis and polo or nice clothes gals, nice clothes remember to look professional
„X Semi Pro shows: Polos and jeans or nice shorts for officers, t-shirts and jeans or nice shorts for general members
„X Cruz In¡¦s and Parking Lot shows: TLNW t-shirt
„X Hanging out: I don¡¦t care
„X ¡§Unsanctioned events¡¨ I don¡¦t wanna know!

„« Work list
o Let¡¦s create a list of where everyone works so we can supports those businesses or look to them for potential sponsors!

„« Actual Stuff we need to get up and running:
o Banner and signs
o Table
o Chairs
o Pens, Paper, misc office supplies
o Stickers
o Membership applications?
o TLNW merchandise i.e. t-shirts, DVD¡¦s, calendars, stickers, etc¡K

„« Website stuff
o Team Photo
o Profile pages?
o Members Only page
o E-mail?
o Do we need to storyboard?

„« Mission Statement
o We need one
o It¡¦s professional and shows we can keep it on track and know how to act like the pros.
Old Oct 18, 2003, 10:49 PM
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„« Alignment with other Lancer clubs
o There could be a lot of pros to this idea but I want to be wary of other clubs stealing our thunder. It will also help establish us as the premier Lancer club in the NW

„« Officers and Positions
o Who wants to be an officer
o What positions do we need?
„« President
„« Vice President
„« Secretary
„« Treasurer
„« Sponsor Relations
„« Community Relations
Old Oct 18, 2003, 10:51 PM
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sorry about the mark up errors, Word doesnt translate to well but you get the idea. These are all just ideas so dont take them too seriously

Old Oct 19, 2003, 01:23 AM
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What you have here is the outline of a corporation, non-profit or otherwise. What you've also set up is a pretty rigid sounding structure for officers, meetings, car shows, etc.
Having been the president and founding member of a non-profit 501(c)3 school, I'll let you in on a secret. This will be the biggest pain in the *** of your life. Nothing beats trying to get people together in a semi-social yet business-like atmosphere to get some "real work" done. Be prepared to give up a lot of sundays for in-person meetings (we just called them signings because that was the only reason we had to get together- to sign papers) and be prepared to rack up a lot of minutes on your cellular plan. The IRS sucks, and they're the group that's most interested in what kind of paperwork was filed, that it's all filed in the proper order and within some pretty stringent guidlines.
In terms of officers, you have to be 18. . . how many 18 year olds do we have in the club thus far that are willing to do what it takes to be an officer on top of being a student, employee, family member, community member, girlfriend/boyfriend, child, sibling. . . you see where I'm going with this.
In terms of treasury we have a problem. Most corporations reqiuire a double signature (usually pres and treas) to take funds out of the account. Now if you're president and let's say Jon is treasurer and there's a sudden expense that needs paying right NOW. . . how does that work?

But maybe I'm getting ahead of what you're actually saying. Let me try to be a little more constructive. If we're going to keep this a social club, you have some great suggestions.
*A "Mission Statement" would probably be a good idea, just to give people a better idea of what we do. But, it's not necessary and they usually sound cheesey. They are however absolutely necessary for a corporation.
*some kind of motto would be better. they sound more "natural" and be something we could get behind.
*An official "roll call" and a way to define what a team member is for purposes of discounts, etc. is essential.
*Team advertising: t-shirts, decals, web site, etc is cool as long as we're a club. If there's interest in incorporating these become VITAL for membership.
*Web site: it's been in the works for as long as I can remember but it would be great to get that going sooner rather than later. Bios/pics, events listings, the works would rule.
*dress codes. . . I don't even know how to approach this one... maybe we should leave dress codes to the officers? I like wearing my kilt and a comfortable shirt to car shows thank-you-very-much... and I wouldn't mind seeing some TLNW hotties showin what they're working with. Dress codes are a must, though, when doing anything professional with the sponsor (signing contracts, negotiating) or selling something. We don't have a product.

To be frank, I like TLNW as it is, and the direction it's been going. Considering that the first meet was in, what, February of this year, we've done a hell of a job. Every one of us. From you newer guys to Jon and the others that got it all together. Talking about making this a business or more professional is quite honestly taking the fun out of it. Maybe I'm just gun-shy of the process, having done it before. Maybe what I'm saying is that I'm not cut out for this again right now, esp with the prospect of starting another sole-proprietorship.
For right now, though, if I had to change anything it would be:
membership rolls and definitions of a member (required number of meets, etc), let's get the website going and an official shirt would be great, too.
I can't emphasize how great it is to have new members that have this much entusiasm and are willing to throw ideas into the hat. Some former members had a lot of ideas, but weren't so forthcoming, nor responsive to opposing or alternative plans.
I won't be at this weekend's meeting (the 19th) but I WILL be in Centrailia for next Sunday's meet. This is the perfect topic and I think it's on everybody's mind right now.
Old Oct 19, 2003, 03:34 PM
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i agree with kris thats a little more than we need to worry about. yes there are goals we should set and assign people to follow up on them. and it would be nice to get the web site up and running, but this is all stuff we've discussed in the past. i'm sure if we can all get together we can get the specifics worked out and make some progress. hopefully we can have a good attendance at our next gtg and discuss everything. i will say its great having some one with that much initiative in the club.
Old Oct 19, 2003, 07:05 PM
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This is what was talked about at todays meeting:

Call about getting INFO on becomming a non profit org.

Info of setting up an account for TLNW

Mission Statement

Graphics for t-shirts and banner.

So if you have any ideas or comments about this or anything then please please please bring them up at the meeting on the 26th. We need all the imput that we can get.

See you all on the 26th.
Old Oct 20, 2003, 06:05 PM
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Sounds like the GTG went well. Two questions though

1. Where in Centrailia are we meeting on the 26th and what time?
2. Why is the sky blue? I think seafoam green would be much nicer.
Old Oct 20, 2003, 06:31 PM
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1. I was thinking the public library would be a great place to meet.
2. I kinda like the sky being blue. Gives a nice synergy when paired with the ocean.

Let's get a rollcall as to who's making the meeting and how about a time? I'm free from about noonish on.

1. ghostrider
Old Oct 21, 2003, 12:36 PM
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Originally posted by ghostrider
1. I was thinking the public library would be a great place to meet.
2. I kinda like the sky being blue. Gives a nice synergy when paired with the ocean.

Let's get a rollcall as to who's making the meeting and how about a time? I'm free from about noonish on.

1. ghostrider
2. Alligirl
Old Oct 21, 2003, 12:42 PM
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3. Ohcanada_00
4. UnStructured Designs (shawn)
Old Oct 21, 2003, 01:07 PM
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Oh ya and im bringing Meagan Beth will be out of state so she wont make it.
Old Oct 21, 2003, 03:02 PM
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x. Brian

I guess I can leave here at about 10am or so...

....redefine the colors and what you see is what you have set. What color is the sky to a person born blind? What color is the sky to a person who recently became blind? What color is the sky from the moon? ...there is no spoon...

Last edited by theory; Oct 21, 2003 at 03:16 PM.
Old Oct 21, 2003, 05:49 PM
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-->me, anytime is fine

I have no idea what your talking about....

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